David Borgmann
1983 | Wilhelmshaven |
2007–2008 | Hochschule für Künste Bremen |
2008–2011 | Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich |
2011–2015 | Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, master student Prof. Ingo Meller |
Lives and works in Leipzig and Munich |
Grants / Scholarships
2017 | Preisträger der Nordwestkunst 2017, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven |
2016 | Projektförderung der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen |
2014 | Förderpreis des 28. Kunstpreises der Stiftung KSK Esslingen-Nürtingen |
2013 | Postgraduiertenstipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
2013 | Förderung der Theodor Pfizer Stiftung |
2009 | Stipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
Solo exhibitions
2020 | Festland, Josef Filipp Galerie, Winterrundgang Baumwollspinerei, Leipzig |
2019 | Anfluten, Schierke Seinecke Galerie, Frankfurt Am Main |
2018 | It Will Also Change, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven |
Placid Places, Galerie Rundgaenger, Frankfurt | |
Black Holes, Bright Lights, Josef Filip Galerie, Leipzig | |
Lightning In A Bottle, Galerie Kramer, Bremen | |
2016 | David Borgmann/Stephan Marienfeld, Kunsthaus Klüber, Weinheim |
2014 | Promised Land, Tapetenwerk, Halle C, Leipzig |
Group exhibitions
2020 | Nachts Allein Im Atelier #7, Evelyn Drewes | Galerie |
Waterscapes, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven | |
2019 | Sammlung Nuwayhid, Werkschauhalle, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig |
I´ll Be Your Mirror, Josef Filipp Galerie, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig | |
2018 | Blickfang, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren |
25. Leipziger Jahresausstellung, Werkschauhalle, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig | |
2017 | Dimensional Sights, Kunstverein Neustadt A. D. Weinstraße |
Nordwestkunst 2017 – Die Nominierten, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven | |
Mashup Iv, Barlach Halle K, Hamburg | |
2016 | Dimensional Sights, Jenaer Kunstverein, Jena |
2 Meter Unter Null - Eine Ausstellung Zum Klimawandel Im Norden, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven | |
Reform - 2. Kunstpreis Der Evangelischen Landeskirche Württemberg, Ausstellung Der Hervorgehobenen Arbeiten, Altes Schloss, Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart | |
Fake It Till You Make It, Westpol Airspace, Leipzig | |
Human With/Out Space, Ateliers Pro Arts/ A.P.A. Gallery, Budapest, Ungarn | |
2015 | Hans-Purrmann-Preise 2015, Nominierten-Ausstellung Zum Wettbewerb, Städtische Galerie Speyer Mit Kunstverein Speyer, Speyer |
Meisterschüler 2015, Galerie Der Hochschule Für Grafik Und Buchkunst, Leipzig | |
2014 | Zitieren,Variieren,Modifizieren - Das Zitat In Malerei Und Grafik, 28. Kunstpreis 2014 Der Stiftung Ksk Esslingen-Nürtingen |
Die Pferde Sind Tot, Klasse Ottersbach Im Forum Kunst, Rottweil | |
2013 | Leipzig Am Rhein, Klasse Ottersbach In Der Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie, Ludwigshafen Am Rhein |
Dis-Appearence - Vom Erscheinen Und Verschwinden, Westpol Airspace, Leipzig | |
Wrumm Wrumm, Galerie Hochschule Für Grafik Und Buchkunst, Leipzig | |
2012 | Niemandsland - All Dies Und Nichts, Geh8 Kunstraum, Dresden |
Ostrale 012 - Internationale Ausstellung Zeitgenössischer Künste, Ostragehege Dresden | |
Lindenow, Westpol Airspace & Monaco Beach Club, Leipzig | |
2011 | Nordwestkunst 2011 - Die Nominierten, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven |
Mehr Als Ein Schuss, Galerie Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf | |
Monster, Produzentengalerie Dieschönestadt, Halle | |
Update - Junge Kunst Aus Leipzig, Kunsthalle Der Sparkasse Leipzig | |
2010 | Coming Soon, Städtische Galerie Cordonhaus Cham |
Depiction and abstraction, surface and space, coloration and texture - These are the poles between which David Borgmann's paintings explore the relationship between painting mode, motif and image in painting. On the one hand, many paintings appear matter-of-factly abstracted. On the other hand, a strong and emotionally sustained atmosphere unfolds in them through the scenic motifs, the muted yet powerfully luminous colors, and the drama with which the textures, colors, and motivic elements meet in their precise placement. The textures, which emerge from the experimentation of materials with various tools, emerge in a great wealth of razor-sharp detail, exerting a strong pull on the viewer. Meanwhile, the view that repeatedly reaches into the depths of the horizon suggests freedom and vastness. Through their idiosyncratic painting technique, David Borgmann's pictures appear novel, and yet in many places the intensive preoccupation with the traditions of landscape depiction right up to contemporary painting becomes clear. In the simplification of complicated motifs to dynamic painting gestures and in the flat abstraction Asian painting and especially Japanese woodcuts echo. Other paintings, such as the more recent seascapes with clouds, in their clear spatial construction oriented to the Renaissance idea of the window view, are more reminiscent of the seascapes of a Gustave Courbet. Other pictures deconstruct the space as the western pictorial history of the optical view pretends it to a collage-like picture effect and thereby touched different ideas: If the landscape here almost becomes a map, which we can wander with our eyes, the illusion there almost dissolves into a geometric composition and thus ties in with color field painting. If the ambivalent, mysterious picture effect takes the viewer for itself, the picture world, which David Borgmann explores persistently, shows itself at the same time in motion and leaves room for curiosity, where this work will develop further.
David Borgmann lives and works in Leipzig and Munich. He studied painting with Karin Kneffel in Bremen and Munich, and with Heribert C. Ottersbach and Ingo Meller at the HGB Leipzig, where he graduated as a master student. Borgmann has received numerous grants and awards, and in 2017 he was the recipient of the Nordwestkunst prize, which is awarded every two years by the Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven. Since 2018, David Borgmann has been teaching as an artistic assistant to Professor Pia Fries at the Akademie der bildenden Kunste Munich. Borgmann's works are already represented in important private and public collections such as the Hildebrand Collection and the Bayrische Staatsgemäldesammlungen.